Monday, November 26, 2012

The Hunger Games

   Reading is not that boring once you take the time to read. And I'm not talking about a teacher forcing you to read for homework or for free time. If we don't want to read, why should they force us?
 This blog is all about books that I think kids that love to read would enjoy (girls particularly). I'm an eleven year old myself, but I love to read!

 The first book I would love to present to you is "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. When I say "hunger" I don't mean an eating contest.

A teenager from the twelve districts of Panem (the future, destroyed North America) will be sent to train in the arts of survival. Soon, they would fight to the death in a public arena.

Katniss Everdeen(the main character) lives in the Seam, the edge of District 12. Her father died when she was eleven. Now at sixteen, she has one little sister named Primrose (at age 12) and the world's ugliest cat, Buttercup.

At the reaping, they draw names for the tributes that go into the arena. One male, one female. When Primrose's name is picked, Katniss quickly takes her place as the first ever volunteer.

The male tribute's name is called. His name is Peeta Mellark. Katniss recalls a meeting with him when they were eleven. Shortly after Katniss's father's death.

The mother fell into a depression. They had so little money for the loss of the father, Katniss took head of the family. It was raining and they were slowly starving to death. She was scavenging the trash bins for food of the merchants. Peeta's mother chased her away. Soon after, Peeta burned some bread, and threw it to Katniss. A debt that can never be repaid.

When Peeta confesses his love for Peeta, Katniss realizes that this is all one big game and she has to play along to survive.

Later in the games, Katniss sets out to find Peeta. She nurses him back to health, they win the games. Peeta finds out she was acting. Game over.

Read more in "The Hunger Games" By Suzanne Collins 


  1. Very nicely written. You are one smart girl! The Hunger Games is a great series of books.
