Wednesday, November 28, 2012


    Third post, third book, Mockingjay, By Suzanne Collins. Reading level: Young Adult. The Final Book.

  Katniss has escaped the Hunger Games by blowing up the force field around the arena, now, District 12 no longer exists. Only charred remains of those who tried to flee. 

  Peeta was taken prisoner by the Capitol, along with the other tributes Johanna Mason and Enobaria. Katniss made it to District 13 with Finnick Odair and Beetee. Now, they are on a mission to bring down the Capitol.

  There are a few problems. They do rescue Peeta but not in time. The boy with bread, glowing with life, is now hijacked. All his memories of Katniss have been changed with tracker jacker venom, they are so terrifying, Peeta found her life-threatening. 

  For all you Gale lovers, you'll love this book the most. Most of the time he's in the book!

  Will Katniss bring back Peeta? Will she choose Gale? Will she choose Peeta? Will she bring down the Capitol?
Read more in "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins. The final book of The Hunger Games Trilogy. 
"May the odds be ever in your favor" ~Effie Trinket.

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