Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Catching Fire

This is my second post and I am viewing the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy. Currently, they are filming the movie Catching Fire, but will they capture the drama of the book?
Suzanne Collins left off with Peeta and Katniss returning in the train station in the first book, The Hunger Games. Now, Katniss and Peeta are going on their victory tour.
There's just one little problem. The other districts were not convinced that their little act was love, but an act of defiance. If a girl can defy the Capitol, especially from twelve, why not do the same. Now, it's Peeta and Katniss's turn to subdue (soothe) the districts. Why would they? You ask. They are treated so poorly in 12. Personal threats were made on Katniss's best friend Gale and her family by President Snow, the ruler of Panem.

Uprisings were rumored in 8. Katniss now believes that there is a District 13 (they were killed off the map because they rebelled against their country)because of two women she found in the woods.

The card is drawn. The Quarter Quell card. Even the strongest of the strong cannot over come the Capitol. That's right. Katniss and Peeta are going back into the arena (or Haymitch, their mentor through the first Games). The deal was if you win, you're out of the reaping for good. Not this year.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. The arena's a clock. Every  hour, promising a new horror. Ticking away your life. Every second counts. Read more in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins.

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