Friday, November 30, 2012

The Name of this Book is Secret

I'm not kidding. The name of this book is "The Nam of this Book is Secret". I don't know the author's real name. His name is a fake. It says it in his name. Pseudonym Bosch. 

There's a secret. What's worse than a secret is knowing there is a secret. Why am I not supposed to know? Who knows!

Cassandra and Max-Ernest (the author says these are fake names) go on an adventure with the symphony of smells to find out what this secret is. They'll have to get by some evil humans who lived for hundreds of years. 

There's an old magician with his twin brother
They've been sent to America by their mother
The circus was the answer, they did that instead
They have a strange disease 
That people do not know of
To get away, they must seize
But one is dead and other forgotten
(I wrote this myself to get a little intro)

Will Max-Ernest and Cassandra find out the secret (I know a secret! there are four more books in this series!)?
Do people know there is a secret worth finding?
Why do I always ask these questions? Find out more in "The Name o this Book is Secret" by Pseudonyms Bosch.  

Eight Keys

Eight Keys is a book that kids will love. Suzanne LaFleur is the author of this splendid text. 

Elise, the main character, and Franklin, her best friend, they journey through middle school. Elise doesn't live with her parents. Her parents, sadly, are dead. The mother died giving birth to her, the father died from a disease. 

Before the dad died, he wrote letters, all the way up to Elise's twelve birthday. She found a key with her name on it. Could it be to the eight doors at the top of the barn? Later, she finds seven more keys.

There is some trouble with school though. Sixth grade is a lot harder than Elise thought. There is this mean girl, Amanda, and this is the most popular girl, teases her, harms her, and squishes her lunch.

Elise can't even keep up with the school schedule and is overloaded with homework! Will Elise unlock herself? Will Elise make friends? Will she ever get up to date with school? Find out when you read Eight Keys by Suzanne LaFleur.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


    Third post, third book, Mockingjay, By Suzanne Collins. Reading level: Young Adult. The Final Book.

  Katniss has escaped the Hunger Games by blowing up the force field around the arena, now, District 12 no longer exists. Only charred remains of those who tried to flee. 

  Peeta was taken prisoner by the Capitol, along with the other tributes Johanna Mason and Enobaria. Katniss made it to District 13 with Finnick Odair and Beetee. Now, they are on a mission to bring down the Capitol.

  There are a few problems. They do rescue Peeta but not in time. The boy with bread, glowing with life, is now hijacked. All his memories of Katniss have been changed with tracker jacker venom, they are so terrifying, Peeta found her life-threatening. 

  For all you Gale lovers, you'll love this book the most. Most of the time he's in the book!

  Will Katniss bring back Peeta? Will she choose Gale? Will she choose Peeta? Will she bring down the Capitol?
Read more in "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins. The final book of The Hunger Games Trilogy. 
"May the odds be ever in your favor" ~Effie Trinket.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Catching Fire

This is my second post and I am viewing the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy. Currently, they are filming the movie Catching Fire, but will they capture the drama of the book?
Suzanne Collins left off with Peeta and Katniss returning in the train station in the first book, The Hunger Games. Now, Katniss and Peeta are going on their victory tour.
There's just one little problem. The other districts were not convinced that their little act was love, but an act of defiance. If a girl can defy the Capitol, especially from twelve, why not do the same. Now, it's Peeta and Katniss's turn to subdue (soothe) the districts. Why would they? You ask. They are treated so poorly in 12. Personal threats were made on Katniss's best friend Gale and her family by President Snow, the ruler of Panem.

Uprisings were rumored in 8. Katniss now believes that there is a District 13 (they were killed off the map because they rebelled against their country)because of two women she found in the woods.

The card is drawn. The Quarter Quell card. Even the strongest of the strong cannot over come the Capitol. That's right. Katniss and Peeta are going back into the arena (or Haymitch, their mentor through the first Games). The deal was if you win, you're out of the reaping for good. Not this year.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. The arena's a clock. Every  hour, promising a new horror. Ticking away your life. Every second counts. Read more in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Hunger Games

   Reading is not that boring once you take the time to read. And I'm not talking about a teacher forcing you to read for homework or for free time. If we don't want to read, why should they force us?
 This blog is all about books that I think kids that love to read would enjoy (girls particularly). I'm an eleven year old myself, but I love to read!

 The first book I would love to present to you is "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. When I say "hunger" I don't mean an eating contest.

A teenager from the twelve districts of Panem (the future, destroyed North America) will be sent to train in the arts of survival. Soon, they would fight to the death in a public arena.

Katniss Everdeen(the main character) lives in the Seam, the edge of District 12. Her father died when she was eleven. Now at sixteen, she has one little sister named Primrose (at age 12) and the world's ugliest cat, Buttercup.

At the reaping, they draw names for the tributes that go into the arena. One male, one female. When Primrose's name is picked, Katniss quickly takes her place as the first ever volunteer.

The male tribute's name is called. His name is Peeta Mellark. Katniss recalls a meeting with him when they were eleven. Shortly after Katniss's father's death.

The mother fell into a depression. They had so little money for the loss of the father, Katniss took head of the family. It was raining and they were slowly starving to death. She was scavenging the trash bins for food of the merchants. Peeta's mother chased her away. Soon after, Peeta burned some bread, and threw it to Katniss. A debt that can never be repaid.

When Peeta confesses his love for Peeta, Katniss realizes that this is all one big game and she has to play along to survive.

Later in the games, Katniss sets out to find Peeta. She nurses him back to health, they win the games. Peeta finds out she was acting. Game over.

Read more in "The Hunger Games" By Suzanne Collins