Sunday, May 26, 2013

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

I have read the third installment of the Harry Potter series. I must admit I enjoyed it! 

Sirius Black, the prisoner who escaped from Azkaban, is after Harry. People suspected he sold out James and Lily Potter to You- Know- Who! But did he really do it? Or was it Scabbers? That's right, I said Scabbers the rat, Ron's pet!

Harry ran away from the Dursley's and found himself traveling on the Night Bus. He sets out for the Leaky Cauldron. He stays there until they head out to the Hogwarts Express.

Ron, Hermione and Harry must face "The Grim." The Grim is the darkest, most powerful death omen.

Sirius Black and Professor Lupin know who the real culprit is. Peter Pettigrew! A.K.A. Scabbers. He sold out the Potters to the Dark Lord. But he will return to his master.

As Sirius Black, he is The Grim and he's also Harry's god-father. He will be punished for a crime he didn't commit. Harry and Hermione must find a way to save Sirius before it's too late. The Dementor's kiss will make him lose his soul.

Find out more in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling!  

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