Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The second year Harry is facing at Hogwarts. Horrible, horrible things are happening. Dobby, Malfoy's house elf, warned Harry about these things but was not quite clear.

Since Quirrel was fired from his Defense Against the Dark Arts job, Gilderoy Lockhart took his place. Lockhart is a snooty booty who thinks only about his self and fame.

Voldemort is technically not in this book. Tom Marvalo Riddle is, though. He is the heir of Slytherin and has opened the Chamber of Secrets. He has released a creature so fowl that anyone who dares looks in it's eyes dies. Whenever you even glimpse at it, you become paralyzed of fear. No, this has happened before. Just ask the ghost in the girls bathroom, Moaning Myrtle. 

It's up to Harry to stop Riddle (A.K.A. Voldemort) from killing more people. 

I honestly enjoyed reading this! I'm glad I got into the Harry Potter series! But The Hunger Games will always live in my heart.

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