Sunday, November 24, 2013

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent is a phenomenal book that everybody would love. I find it very similar to The Hunger Games. Both books have a heroine that seems to be the lead of a war or a rebellion. Both books have a love interest (just Divergent does not a love triangle). Training to be a part of something is key in this book.

Beatrice gets tested to see which faction she belongs in. Her results were inconclusive, she's Divergent. Divergence is a threat to the city. To the Erudite. To the ones with power.

Beatrice Prior, or just Tris, chooses Dauntless (the faction that believes cowardice is the cause of most problems) over her old faction, Abnegation (the faction that believes selfishness is to be blamed for problems). Tris must be trained to become Dauntless by trainer Four, or Tobias. Tris falls in love with Tobias. 

Erudite (the faction that believes ignorance is to blame for problems) wants to overthrow Abnegation to gain control of the government. Tris must try to stop the Erudite before it is too late.

Read more in Divergent by Veronica Roth. This book is to come to the big screen March 2014. One choice can transform you. This is the first book out of three.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

You-Know-Who is back and Harry has to fight him once more. Voldemort has figured out how to use Harry's mind and how to show him what he wants him to see. Harry learns why Voldemort is so against him and that his friends will always fight for him.

In Little Whinging, trouble arises. Dementors come after Harry and Dudley. Harry saves Dudley but got a letter from the ministry about a court case due to underage wizardry. This case will determine whether Harry Potter shall go back to Hogwarts.

The ministry is always looking for an excuse to expel Harry from Hogwarts ever since his 4th year when he told everybody Voldemort is back. The ministry believes in what it wants to believe.

Harry is not expelled this year, due to Albus Dumbledore. 

After that incident, Harry is moved to Sirius Black's house. Number 12 Grimmauld Place. The Order of the Phoenix is located there. The Order of the Phoenix is an organization made by Albus Dumbledore used to destroy Voldemort.

When Ron, Hermione, and Harry return to Hogwarts, Harry is known as a big joke. People won't take him seriously due to the whole, "Voldemort coming back" business.

Dolores Umbridge is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She is from the ministry and will only teach them by reading. She later becomes head master and ruins the school.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron start this club where Harry can teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts called, "Dumbledore's Army." That's how Dumbledore got overthrown by Umbridge. They think he started an illegal club (Dolores had all these rules about how clubs need to approved).

Later, they head off (Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Harry, and Luna) because Harry thinks Voldemort has Sirius trapped there. But this was all just a big fat lie. Sirius was never there. Voldemort figured out how to use Harry's brain!

The Order gets involved, they have a battle against Voldemort. Sirius dies... and he vanished behind the black veil (the place where wizards go when they die).

Harry later learns that Trelawney made a prophecy about a boy born in late July who will overthrow the Dark Lord. And that boy was Harry Potter. "Both can't live while the other survives," is what the prophecy said. That's why Voldemort thinks he needs to destroy Harry.

What happens next? Read more in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling!

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Hogwarts will not only be home to those who live at Hogwarts, but for other schools this year as well. There will be the Durmstrang students and the Beauxbatons students. One student from each school will be competing in the Triwizard Tournament for eternal glory and a thousand galleon prize to the winner.

Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons will be competing because their names came out of the Goblet of Fire. The Goblet of Fire is used to select the Triwizard champions. When Harry Potter's name is shot out of the cup, something was wrong. Somebody wanted Harry dead. People can die in this tournament. 

The four champions must face battles with dragons, fight mermaids, and go through a deadly maze to reach the Triwizard cup. Cedric and Harry help each other a long the way with clues containing what will happen in the next round.

When Cedric and Harry reach the cup, the decide to grab it together so they both could win. But the cup is a portkey and it brings them right to Wormtail. The traitor that sold Harry's parents out to You-Know-Who. He immediately kills Cedric Diggory and captures Harry Potter. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is reborn.

What will happen next? Read more in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

I have read the third installment of the Harry Potter series. I must admit I enjoyed it! 

Sirius Black, the prisoner who escaped from Azkaban, is after Harry. People suspected he sold out James and Lily Potter to You- Know- Who! But did he really do it? Or was it Scabbers? That's right, I said Scabbers the rat, Ron's pet!

Harry ran away from the Dursley's and found himself traveling on the Night Bus. He sets out for the Leaky Cauldron. He stays there until they head out to the Hogwarts Express.

Ron, Hermione and Harry must face "The Grim." The Grim is the darkest, most powerful death omen.

Sirius Black and Professor Lupin know who the real culprit is. Peter Pettigrew! A.K.A. Scabbers. He sold out the Potters to the Dark Lord. But he will return to his master.

As Sirius Black, he is The Grim and he's also Harry's god-father. He will be punished for a crime he didn't commit. Harry and Hermione must find a way to save Sirius before it's too late. The Dementor's kiss will make him lose his soul.

Find out more in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling!  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I have finally gotten to reading the first Harry Potter book of the series written by J.K. Rowling. I thought it was a great book, really outstanding!

Harry Potter had no idea he was a wizard. He lived with the most ordinary people ever since his parents died when he was little.

But when he got this letter saying he's a wizard and can go to Hogwarts, he immediately joins!

Voldemort, the evil wizard who killed his parents, is a big threat. Even though he causes so little trouble until the end.

Quirrel is secretly  of Voldemort's workers. He's been trying to kill Harry ever since the first Quidditch match. Now he's after the Sorcerer's Stone for his master so he can live forever.

First, Harry and his best friends, Hermione and Ron, have to go through all these puzzles to get to the stone before Quirrel. But Harry didn't make it in time but he did recover the stone, nearly dying. Read more in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The second year Harry is facing at Hogwarts. Horrible, horrible things are happening. Dobby, Malfoy's house elf, warned Harry about these things but was not quite clear.

Since Quirrel was fired from his Defense Against the Dark Arts job, Gilderoy Lockhart took his place. Lockhart is a snooty booty who thinks only about his self and fame.

Voldemort is technically not in this book. Tom Marvalo Riddle is, though. He is the heir of Slytherin and has opened the Chamber of Secrets. He has released a creature so fowl that anyone who dares looks in it's eyes dies. Whenever you even glimpse at it, you become paralyzed of fear. No, this has happened before. Just ask the ghost in the girls bathroom, Moaning Myrtle. 

It's up to Harry to stop Riddle (A.K.A. Voldemort) from killing more people. 

I honestly enjoyed reading this! I'm glad I got into the Harry Potter series! But The Hunger Games will always live in my heart.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Finally! I'm allowed to read other books! But there was one book I particularly enjoyed. Eggs by Jerry Spinelli. 

David lost his mother at the age of nine and is still suffering from his loss. He lives with his grandmother and his father in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, his father can only be home on weekends. For he owns a mall in Connecticut which is hundreds of miles away. Putting up with David's attitude, she holds her lip, telling herself it's from the "Sadness" as she calls it.

When David goes on an Easter egg hunt, he finds this girl up in a tree. He thinks she was dead so he calls the cops. When story time came up and David's grandmother was there, she was there. The thirteen year old girl that was in the tree.

Later, David found out her name was Primrose. She lives in a van and has a crazy mother that thinks she can predict the future. Her father abandoned her when she was a baby. She caries a photo of him everywhere she goes.

David finds out shocking secrets. They fought most of the time. Refrigerator John would break up the fights. Then one day, they went to the big city. Philadelphia. 

What happens next? Read more in Eggs by Jerry Spinelli!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


If I  had the chance to read my other books, I would be reading Alex The Life of a Child by Frank DeFord but I am still being forced to read Jerry Spinelli books. I'm actually glad I read Stargirl. 

Leo and his friend, Kevin go the MAHS (Mica Academy High School). When Stargirl shows up, everything is flipped upside down! Stargirl has freckles on the bridge of her nose and wears long pioneer skirts. She strums her ukulele to sing people "Happy Birthday". Everyone just thinks she is crazy!

When Stargirl becomes a member on the cheer leading squad, she is automatically popular! People rampage the music stores in Arizona to get ukuleles and pet stores to buy rats like her pet, Cinnamon. At the highest point of her popularity, she decides she wants the other team to be happy as well, just like her team. She roots both teams and is kicked off the squad. 

On Hot Seat, Leo and Kevin's school TV show, Leo signed her up for an episode. On the show, people make fun of her, torment her, they made her into nothing. She is no longer popular. 

Leo and Stargirl fall in love and the shunning begins. No one will talk, look, or walk their way in school. Kevin is the only one who will talk to Leo. No one will talk to Stargirl except Leo and Dori (Stargirl's best friend).

Stargirl gets a vision that she will win this speaking contest for the state and that she will become popular when she wins. The problem is, when she won, no one celebrated her except Leo and Dori and a couple of teachers.

What will happen next? What will Stargirl do? Read more in Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli! (There is a sequel of Stargirl called Love Stargirl that I still need to read so tune in!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Our school is having a whole unit on Jerry Spinelli and his books. So far, I have read Loser

Loser is about a young boy named Donald Zinkoff. The whole book shows Zinkoff going through 1st grade to 6th grade. 

Zinkoff was never good at many thinks. Handwriting, sports, etc. He loved school. On his first day, he brought a giant giraffe hat with him. He left early in the morning to get to school sometimes. In fact, all he wanted to do was go to school!

Later in the book, Zinkoff experiences field day. When he was little (before 4th grade) it was just a fun activity! We all know how field day is. When Donald reached 4th grade, it was a giant competition. Who was the fastest, the strongest, they all competed for those titles. Zinkoff was on the purple team a long with Hobin, the best athlete in school. When Zinkoff loses some games, he's immediately granted the name of loser. Loser. Loser. Loser.

How does Zinkoff deal with the rest of school? Just to let you know, another field day comes up! What will happen? Find out in "Loser" by Jerry Spinelli!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Terabithia is a book for children who love historical fiction and fantasy fiction. 

Back when a TV was pretty much all the technology they had, Katherine Paterson wrote a story about a young boy named Jess.

Jess has always been the fastest runner in the 5th grade. Well, that was before Leslie Burkes. Leslie was Jess's next door neighbor and they immediately became friends. They explored areas when Leslie suggested they have a special place. That's when Jess and Leslie swing on a magical rope to Terabithia. An imaginary place where dreams run wild!

Until Leslie died. All depression broke loose. Poor Jess.

Read more in Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Diary of A Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel

Valentine's day is coming up and Jeff Kinney wrote another Wimpy Kid tale!

Greg Heffley has Rowley Jefferson run for a student council position and that position puts all of them in a position they don't wanna be in!

The Valentines Day dance is just a way to rack up some money for the school so they can buy fancy toilet paper. You know how school toilet paper is, right? Anyway, all the girls are treating like it's high school prom when it's actually a lame middle school dance.

Greg wants to get a date so he doesn't look like a loser. When Abigail agrees to with them as friends Greg realizes he's gonna need a ride and his mom is just going to embarrass him the whole way there. So he goes to Rowley's dad. Mr. Jefferson and Greg are not the most compatible. There was always this chill in the air. The only way to get Mr. Jefferson a ride there, they have to bring Rowley. 

Rowley got the chicken pocks and they were spreading like wildfire in the school. Greg couldn't let that stop them. So he grabbed Rowley and put a scarf and hat on him. They're ready to go!!!

Find out more in, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel" by Jeff Kinney!!

The Seer of Shadows

Avi has written this amazing book that goes back to the 1800's. Everyone believed in ghosts except the main character, Horace. That was before he took his first picture.

IT was a normal day down in New York. Business was slow as usual at Mr. Middleditch's photography building. When a young servant girl approaches Horace outside, she got a photography session for her master, Mrs. Fredrick Von Macht.

Mrs. Von Macht was in mourning of her dead daughter, Eleanora Von Macht. Mr. Middleditch had a devious mind and decided to put in a ghost image of the late Eleanora. He gave Horace a secret camera to hide under his jacket so he can take photos of the portraits of the the young daughter.

Each photo brought Eleanora closer. Pegg (the servant girl) said that Eleanora was abused, kept in a room with no accessories and no food. When a doctor was needed they never sent for one. Eleanora swore for revenge before she died.

Apparently she did get revenge on the Von Machts by setting her father's company on fire.

The photograph that Mr. Middleditch gave Mrs. Von Macht had two images of Eleanora. The first on is the one that Horace took and imprinted on to the picture. The second one had Eleanora looking at them angrily.

Revenge was to come soon.

Read more in "The Seer of Shadows" by Avi! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Middle School: Get Me Out Of HERE!

Rafe is back and makes more trouble than ever before!

Rafe couldn't go to his art school because he moved to the city. His mother lost her job when Swifty's diner burned down, now, they live with her grandmother.

When Rafe makes his first human friend, he thinks he's just serving revenge to a couple of bullies. It's not that simple. Matty(the friend) steals from a museum. Rafe's friend is now a foe.

Did I mention that this is his art school friend? His teacher from his school got him into an art school in the big city.

How will Rafe survive middle school? Find out in, "Middle School: Get Me Out of HERE!"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gregor and the Marks of Secret

Suzanne Collins fourth book of the Underland Chronicles, "Gregor and the Marks of Secret", is as splendid as the others.

Gregor finally is reunited with the Bane which he rescued in the second book. Now, it's time to kill him. He's dumping all the nibblers into a place where no one would be able to find them. Luxa, the twelve year old queen of Regalia, has declared wars on the gnawers for their act of greediness. The rats believe that the mice were the ones who started that plaque from the last book. They nibblers were all fine and dandy while rat pups died.

Gregor, Luxa, Hazard, Boots, Henry, Ares, Aurora, and a new bat named Thalia, all go on this journey to find the nibblers when Luxa found a mouse dead in an old children's room.

Before they left, Gregor noticed this symbol on the rock with the body. If only he knew that that was a mark of secret and it means death to those who seen it. How do I know this?? Hazard found the exact symbol in a cave where the nibblers were and said Frill (a giant lizard) taught him the marks of secret.

Will Gregor win this war? Will he tell Luxa he has feelings for her? Find out in Gregor and the Marks of Secret.

The Grimm Legacy

Would you (a) go to your sister's birthday party or (b)read the Grimm Legacy? Read the book

Magic may seem fun and mysterious but this author, Polly Shulman, showed that magic has consequences.

The Grimm brothers were fairy tale writers. When Elizabeth starts to work as a page at a repository, she learns that there is a collection of magical items. They're called the Grimm Collection. From Cinderella's slippers to a witch's broom, they have it all. 

Elizabeth, Marc, Anjali, and Aaron embark on a dangerous journey to take back the magic that is rightfully theirs. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Or who takes the magic off the wall? Find out in the Grimm Legacy.