Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Alex, The Life of a Child

Now, my mom is a huge fan of Frank Deford. He's a great sports writer and he wrote a book that touched me and my mom's heart! In fact, she liked this book so much, she named me after Frank Deford's daughter.

This book has made me shed tears so much. It's not fair that a little girl, around 8 years old, has to deal with this terrible ordeal. It's not fair that anybody has to. Frank Deford made me realize that people are not their disease, they are human being with feelings and opinions. Alex seemed to be the brightest, bubbliest girl. Her CF (Cystic Fibrosis) got to her before her life did. And that is horrible. I wish I can say that I know how Frank Deford feels, but I can't say that. I don't have children, my family doesn't have a horrible disease running through our veins.

This little girl, Alex, short for Alexandra, has a brother, Chris (short for Christian) saw her die in her bed, she was always a smart girl, she pronounced his name as "Tris" because that was how it was spelled. Her classmates made all these pictures for Alex when she died. The school raised the flag half up in her honor when she died. It brought tears to my eyes about how much people cared.

Now, I can't explain everything that I felt or read in this book, you'll have to read it yourself. Happy reading!