Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Alex, The Life of a Child

Now, my mom is a huge fan of Frank Deford. He's a great sports writer and he wrote a book that touched me and my mom's heart! In fact, she liked this book so much, she named me after Frank Deford's daughter.

This book has made me shed tears so much. It's not fair that a little girl, around 8 years old, has to deal with this terrible ordeal. It's not fair that anybody has to. Frank Deford made me realize that people are not their disease, they are human being with feelings and opinions. Alex seemed to be the brightest, bubbliest girl. Her CF (Cystic Fibrosis) got to her before her life did. And that is horrible. I wish I can say that I know how Frank Deford feels, but I can't say that. I don't have children, my family doesn't have a horrible disease running through our veins.

This little girl, Alex, short for Alexandra, has a brother, Chris (short for Christian) saw her die in her bed, she was always a smart girl, she pronounced his name as "Tris" because that was how it was spelled. Her classmates made all these pictures for Alex when she died. The school raised the flag half up in her honor when she died. It brought tears to my eyes about how much people cared.

Now, I can't explain everything that I felt or read in this book, you'll have to read it yourself. Happy reading!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Partials by Dan Wells

This is by far one of my favorite books, although most books can be said to be so as well. 

Kira Walker, only a medical intern, works with the maternity field, hoping, praying that a baby will not die. Disease has run through the entire population of man kind, ninety nine point nine percent of the population to be exact. They all believe the Partials (warriors that look like men, walk like men, and talk like men) are to blame for this. During the middle of the Partial War was the disease released and they are no longer able to reproduce. Babies die soon after birth and their numbers are decimating. The Senate tries to figure out what to do.

Kira believes that the Partials have something do with this, that they might have a cure for this fatal RM. She decides to capture one with her friends. Of course, the Senate doesn't like this. If word spread out that they had a Partial, they would have a riot on their hands. But still, Kira goes and kidnaps a Partial with the name Samm. 

The Partials need the humans just as much and the humans need them. The Partials are dying. The Partials have expiration dates and they are dying one by one. They cannot reproduce. They're going extinct, just like the humans. Kira agrees to help, but she is now viewed is a traitor for helping this Partial to the Senate. She leaves, goes with her friends to help Samm. But something goes terribly amiss. Information discovered may change Kira's world forever. 

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

I have to admit, I haven't been on in awhile and my memory of all the books I have read over this period of time may need a little bit of jogging. 

The Fault In Our Stars is my second favorite book next to the Hunger Games trilogy (all of them, I consider as one book). It is a book about children with cancer, but it is not about the cancer, it is about them living their lives. Sure, none of the story may happen if none of them had cancer but that doesn't have to be the center of the book. 

Hazel Grace Lancaster, a young cancer survivor, meets Augustus Waters at this Support Group and Augustus is immediately in love with her, but Hazel holds back because she doesn't want to hurt him in anyway. She doesn't believe she'll live through her cancer much longer and that may be true, and it may not. Augustus doesn't see her point and still continues to love her. Every time Hazel went to the hospital, he would wait for her in the waiting room, even if she didn't want to see him. Hazel is just another fangirl of books, so when she has a favorite book, Augustus reads it.

Though there is this one book that brings them closer and closer. This is by far Hazel Grace's favorite book of all time. An Imperial Affliction. It is Hazel's dream to meet the author, for the book ends in the middle of a

She wants answers, so does Augustus, for he read the book as well. Augustus loves her so much, he would use his remaining Wish (a Cancer Perk as they put it) to take her to Amsterdam where the author lives.

Amsterdam is where a lot happens. Want to read more of this fabulous book? Go get it now! You won't be disappointed.