Saturday, April 13, 2013


Finally! I'm allowed to read other books! But there was one book I particularly enjoyed. Eggs by Jerry Spinelli. 

David lost his mother at the age of nine and is still suffering from his loss. He lives with his grandmother and his father in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, his father can only be home on weekends. For he owns a mall in Connecticut which is hundreds of miles away. Putting up with David's attitude, she holds her lip, telling herself it's from the "Sadness" as she calls it.

When David goes on an Easter egg hunt, he finds this girl up in a tree. He thinks she was dead so he calls the cops. When story time came up and David's grandmother was there, she was there. The thirteen year old girl that was in the tree.

Later, David found out her name was Primrose. She lives in a van and has a crazy mother that thinks she can predict the future. Her father abandoned her when she was a baby. She caries a photo of him everywhere she goes.

David finds out shocking secrets. They fought most of the time. Refrigerator John would break up the fights. Then one day, they went to the big city. Philadelphia. 

What happens next? Read more in Eggs by Jerry Spinelli!