Saturday, March 23, 2013


If I  had the chance to read my other books, I would be reading Alex The Life of a Child by Frank DeFord but I am still being forced to read Jerry Spinelli books. I'm actually glad I read Stargirl. 

Leo and his friend, Kevin go the MAHS (Mica Academy High School). When Stargirl shows up, everything is flipped upside down! Stargirl has freckles on the bridge of her nose and wears long pioneer skirts. She strums her ukulele to sing people "Happy Birthday". Everyone just thinks she is crazy!

When Stargirl becomes a member on the cheer leading squad, she is automatically popular! People rampage the music stores in Arizona to get ukuleles and pet stores to buy rats like her pet, Cinnamon. At the highest point of her popularity, she decides she wants the other team to be happy as well, just like her team. She roots both teams and is kicked off the squad. 

On Hot Seat, Leo and Kevin's school TV show, Leo signed her up for an episode. On the show, people make fun of her, torment her, they made her into nothing. She is no longer popular. 

Leo and Stargirl fall in love and the shunning begins. No one will talk, look, or walk their way in school. Kevin is the only one who will talk to Leo. No one will talk to Stargirl except Leo and Dori (Stargirl's best friend).

Stargirl gets a vision that she will win this speaking contest for the state and that she will become popular when she wins. The problem is, when she won, no one celebrated her except Leo and Dori and a couple of teachers.

What will happen next? What will Stargirl do? Read more in Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli! (There is a sequel of Stargirl called Love Stargirl that I still need to read so tune in!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Our school is having a whole unit on Jerry Spinelli and his books. So far, I have read Loser

Loser is about a young boy named Donald Zinkoff. The whole book shows Zinkoff going through 1st grade to 6th grade. 

Zinkoff was never good at many thinks. Handwriting, sports, etc. He loved school. On his first day, he brought a giant giraffe hat with him. He left early in the morning to get to school sometimes. In fact, all he wanted to do was go to school!

Later in the book, Zinkoff experiences field day. When he was little (before 4th grade) it was just a fun activity! We all know how field day is. When Donald reached 4th grade, it was a giant competition. Who was the fastest, the strongest, they all competed for those titles. Zinkoff was on the purple team a long with Hobin, the best athlete in school. When Zinkoff loses some games, he's immediately granted the name of loser. Loser. Loser. Loser.

How does Zinkoff deal with the rest of school? Just to let you know, another field day comes up! What will happen? Find out in "Loser" by Jerry Spinelli!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Terabithia is a book for children who love historical fiction and fantasy fiction. 

Back when a TV was pretty much all the technology they had, Katherine Paterson wrote a story about a young boy named Jess.

Jess has always been the fastest runner in the 5th grade. Well, that was before Leslie Burkes. Leslie was Jess's next door neighbor and they immediately became friends. They explored areas when Leslie suggested they have a special place. That's when Jess and Leslie swing on a magical rope to Terabithia. An imaginary place where dreams run wild!

Until Leslie died. All depression broke loose. Poor Jess.

Read more in Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson!