Saturday, January 19, 2013

Middle School: Get Me Out Of HERE!

Rafe is back and makes more trouble than ever before!

Rafe couldn't go to his art school because he moved to the city. His mother lost her job when Swifty's diner burned down, now, they live with her grandmother.

When Rafe makes his first human friend, he thinks he's just serving revenge to a couple of bullies. It's not that simple. Matty(the friend) steals from a museum. Rafe's friend is now a foe.

Did I mention that this is his art school friend? His teacher from his school got him into an art school in the big city.

How will Rafe survive middle school? Find out in, "Middle School: Get Me Out of HERE!"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gregor and the Marks of Secret

Suzanne Collins fourth book of the Underland Chronicles, "Gregor and the Marks of Secret", is as splendid as the others.

Gregor finally is reunited with the Bane which he rescued in the second book. Now, it's time to kill him. He's dumping all the nibblers into a place where no one would be able to find them. Luxa, the twelve year old queen of Regalia, has declared wars on the gnawers for their act of greediness. The rats believe that the mice were the ones who started that plaque from the last book. They nibblers were all fine and dandy while rat pups died.

Gregor, Luxa, Hazard, Boots, Henry, Ares, Aurora, and a new bat named Thalia, all go on this journey to find the nibblers when Luxa found a mouse dead in an old children's room.

Before they left, Gregor noticed this symbol on the rock with the body. If only he knew that that was a mark of secret and it means death to those who seen it. How do I know this?? Hazard found the exact symbol in a cave where the nibblers were and said Frill (a giant lizard) taught him the marks of secret.

Will Gregor win this war? Will he tell Luxa he has feelings for her? Find out in Gregor and the Marks of Secret.

The Grimm Legacy

Would you (a) go to your sister's birthday party or (b)read the Grimm Legacy? Read the book

Magic may seem fun and mysterious but this author, Polly Shulman, showed that magic has consequences.

The Grimm brothers were fairy tale writers. When Elizabeth starts to work as a page at a repository, she learns that there is a collection of magical items. They're called the Grimm Collection. From Cinderella's slippers to a witch's broom, they have it all. 

Elizabeth, Marc, Anjali, and Aaron embark on a dangerous journey to take back the magic that is rightfully theirs. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Or who takes the magic off the wall? Find out in the Grimm Legacy.